Tom Ford Black Orchid Parfume


Client Name: Tommy Freeman


Client's country of residence: United States of America


Review: This Tom Ford is one of my favorite colognes. It is rich and woody, perfect to use in winter because it is warm too. It is not the fresh kind of colognes. Also, the best way to buy colognes is just to go to department store and check them there and then buy them here so you make sure what kind of scent you buying. This Tom Ford is unisex but it is more for men than weman because it is pretty strong scent, it is oil base so it is going to last long and if you squirt it 3 times or more it is going to be overwhelming. In my opinion 2 squirt is enough. Also you should wear it like 20 minutes before you get out because at the first 20 minutes it is going to be very overwhelming. It last very long, somewhere around 6 hours. What I like about it is after 2 hours it is smell way better. Also it is authentic cologne.