How to pay online securely

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If you want to improve the level of security of your financial data then find out below what are the best practices for secured online payments.

Nowadays, the Internet has become an essential part of our day-to-day, when its versatility assists us in all our tasks, including our shopping routine.  Online transactions have become a standard of paying for our online orders, but many of us wonder how to securely perform an payment in the digital environment. Here are our tips to keep your financial details secured online.

1. Use a payment card that offers support for 3D Secure

3DS adds an aditional layer of security to your online transaction by confirming the payer’s identity. When your bank issue you a new card, make sure to choose one that implements the 3DS technology.

2. Never pay online using public Wi-Fis

It might be tempting to connect to a free Wi-Fi, but keep in mind that aside from connecting to the internet, you are also connecting to the internal network of that Wi-Fi, this making it easy for other people connected to the same network to access your information. To keep your financial information secured, perform online transactions only when you are connected to a personal or trusted Wi-Fi.

3. Buy only from secured websites

Always make sure that the websites you are buying from have SSL encryption installed. The majority of Browsers warn users before entering an unsecured website, but to be sure you should always check the URL of the website before placing any orders. An SSL encrypted website’s URL will always start with HTTPS and not with HTTP, the “S” indicating the website’s encryption.

4. Do not save your payment card’s details

Many websites offer their customers the option to save their payment cards details in their accounts for faster future online payments, but always keep in mind that these accounts can be hacked, this way putting your saved informations at risk. Try to avoid saving your financial information and better insert your payment’s details every time you are making an online payment.


 When online shopping, it is important to do the best we can to keep our financial data secured, therefore we recommend everybody to use only 3DS payment cards, to connect only to trusted Wi-Fis, to never buy from unsecured websites, and to never save our financial information online.



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